Simple Beliefs
God is for God.
Scripture teaches us that we have been made by God for God. Our purpose is found in belonging to Him and living for Him. He is the only One who deserves worship, so we live our lives for His fame. Our sin has separated us from God and robbed God of the worship He deserves.
We are broken.
We've all messed up. It's our own brokenness that helps lead us to the conclusion that we need a Savior. The church is not a place where people try to prove their worth by making better decisions. We are convinced that we are broken. We need help. We need each other. We need God.
God is for you.
The wonder of the gospel starts with this simple truth - God, who is perfect, loves us, who are far from perfect. We are all spiritually broken, but He has not left us to be spiritual orphans. Our Father in heaven loves us and yearns to bring us close to Him again. His thoughts toward us are good.
Jesus Christ is God.
God's love for us is clearly seen in Jesus. His perfect life, sacrificial death, and resurrection from the dead has made a way for us to reconnect with the Father. Jesus Christ claimed to be God and we believe Him. As we put our faith in Jesus and what He did for us, we have eternal life.