For such a long time, Melvina and I have been captivated and inspired by missionary stories and revival history. We’ve read books and have heard testimonies of how God has moved and transformed cities when people have simply said “yes.” That’s why on March 8, 2020 Melvina and I stood before the congregation where we were pastoring and announced that God had called us to plant a life-giving church in Highlands County, FL! To be honest, it’s the hardest thing I’ve ever said because it feels like the biggest thing that we’ve ever trusted God for. However, after seeking prophetic confirmation, hearing God speak in visions and dreams, and seeking counsel from trusted friends and family, we are confident that this is God’s mandate for our family!
We see God moving through fervent prayer. As He draws and we gather to call on His name, we know He will “pour water on the thirsty land and streams on the dry ground and His Spirit on the coming generations!” (Isaiah 44:3) It’s the passion of our heart to restore His house as a house of prayer! We believe that God is now awakening people like never before. The lost are waking up to their need for salvation, the saved to their need for holiness and destiny, and the church to the desperate need of Spirit empowerment! We long to gather a people that hear the voice of God which says, “Awake, O sleeper and arise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.” (Ephesians 5:14) Then, like a sleeping army we AWAKEN!
-Pastor Jeremy, Melvina, Jasmin, Josiah, and Mateo